NC State Treasurer: Hospitals Make Millions from Medicare

(Raleigh, N.C.) — State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA, and the State Health Plan released a new report today showing that the majority of North Carolina hospitals did not lose money on Medicare — they profited. The report found huge disparities between the Medicare losses claimed by hospital executives and the numbers that hospitals reported to the federal government. This raises serious concerns over hospitals’ commitment to their patients and their charitable mission, and the steep costs passed on to the nearly 740,000 members of the State Health Plan.

Hospital executives have justified their tax exemptions and their crushing price inflation by claiming to lose billions of dollars on Medicare patients. North Carolina hospital lobbyists claimed they lost $3.1 billion on Medicare in 2020 — the same year hospitals actually reaped a total of $87 million in Medicare profits. The  questionable loss claim was 3,670% larger than hospitals’ self-reported Medicare profits.

“The hospital cartel is overcharging you because they can, not because they need to,” said Treasurer Folwell. “Hospital executives can’t keep hiding behind Medicare. They tried to claim huge losses to justify financially kneecapping their patients. But now we know that the majority of hospitals are actually profiting off Medicare.”

Read the full report:

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